Greetings Newgrounders! How are ye doing? Splendid to hear! (lets pretend you actually answered)
So, as you all know, i work with several projects at the same time,
but i tend to begin a new one after i become bored, and here it is!
This is an upcoming musicvideo with the song "Birthday girl - made by The Roots ft. Patrick Stump",
and its about a girl that turns 17 on her birthday but finds that celebrating with family and having a party at home seems rather boring, so she gets sick of it and decides to leave her family inorder to go to a party where her "friends" are waiting. What is more important, family or alcohol? (I see what i did tharr...)
Its not like young people sit with their family at home when they have birthdays, is it?
Times are changing and young folks are getting more stupid and more arrogant.
Eitherway, the motto for the musicvide is to be
"I am never too old to celebrate my birthday with my family"
Whatever that means...
Have a look at the screenie!
I am going to delay this due to upcoming work (In real life, i got the job as a gardener around my community :) , its amazing and i get payed well! You know, authorities job...)
So, basically, this may be done in a matter of weeks!
Untill then, have a great time, and while you are at it, listen to the actual song i am using!
Click here ---> CLICK HERE
Check out me art! : D
What ye think?
Thats all for today! Have a nice time! : D
Woo, birthday girl
yeah :D